I think u cant go past pink?
I even tried clicking everywhere. Idk couldnt get passed it.
I think u cant go past pink?
I even tried clicking everywhere. Idk couldnt get passed it.
Its possible just very difficult - However we have added a link to the guide available over on our website :D
Love, Team Emotion
http://web.me.com/openemo tionstudios/site/guides.html
Not bad for first. Keep up your work.
This game has an ok concept. I think you need to think more on what the games are about. Thats my opinion. The game was ok. It needs something else.
Thanks for the review. I agree with what you said. Looking back on making it, I spent too much time with the graphics. I'm not the best artist so they took me longer than what others could do. I should have focused more on the game play.
Nice Remake. You should add more things next time you remake something. It would be a huge addition. Especially something redone so often. I like it .
Amazing Game
I believe this is one of the best games here in newgrounds, The problem is that the majority of the NG users are little kids who never got to even play the original mario kart, so they call this a rip off, even though it has way more advanced graphics than the original. The weird characters is part of the humor in the game and I really like this style. Reminds me of captain underpants and ren n stimpy. Great game. People say it has bad graphics, where do these morons come from. Any 3d game in here is considered good graphic. Regarding the maps, I understand why they are f-zero style. For fps and low lag.
This was cool
Hey can we talk about how you did the game. Perhaps we can collab on the game Im making.
Mmmm... Perhaps..
This game is very well balanced and an amazing theme just in time for what America will be going through. Good Job the game Im working on is the story of how it was created, so this is similar to the theme I'm working on. This helped motivate me even more than I already was. Thanks.
This was fun.
Yea I really enjoyed this almost as much as advance wars. Some things are missing like map editor and things of that nature, but the game was fun. I played boot camp which was enough for me.
I Like your style and what youre going for. I have other software to build games, even though im good at flash, But maybe you're interestig in joing my team. Please visit my website and fill up an application if u like. pointSeclusion.com
Thanks! I'll check it out sometime.
This game rocks! Its awsome Lots of hours of play here for sure. Ima go back to playing now :)
Age 36, Male
Graphic Artist
Joined on 1/8/06